Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
This Sunday at our Youth worship service, we will celebrate and support SHARE/WHEEL with our Second Sunday dedicated plate collection. UUC Youth chose the recipient to fit the theme of the service: finding stability in unstable times. Our monthly Second Sunday Plate serves as a direct expression of our faith through justice and service work.
SHARE/WHEEL is an organization we know well through our partnerships with Tent City 3 and Tent City 4. SHARE/WHEEL sponsors eleven shelters, all of which carry a unique and highly effective model of self-management. Through their work, they have enabled participants to experience safety, self-empowerment and a sense of hope, community and family at a most critical time in their lives.
Please join one of the services to learn more about SHARE/WHEEL, a remarkable grassroots organization. If you are unable to attend a service on Sunday and wish to contribute to UUC’s plate collection for SHARE/WHEEL, you can give online, selecting “Special Plate” in the “Fund” box and noting the February plate collection in the memo line.
Please feel free to contact Pam Smith Mentz with any questions.
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