Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Everyone is welcome to join us as we discuss Martin Luther King and Black Lives Matter. During King’s life, Beacon Press published his last book, the UUA invited him to give the prestigious Ware Lecture at General Assembly, and two Unitarian Universalists gave their lives working in his movement. Black Lives Matter is endorsed both by our church and by the Unitarian Universalist Association. How is BLM’s approach to antiracism like King’s, and how is it different? What can we learn from discussing them side by side?
Opinions are likely to vary on this topic, and that’s wonderful. Come hear what others have to say and be ready to really listen. If you want to prepare, below are some good sources. Also feel free to bring other sources of your choice into the dialogue.
Martin Luther King’s “Other America” speech (1967) is always worth a listen. Also his Ware Lecture at the UUA General Assembly in 1966, “Don’t Sleep through the Revolution,” might have special relevance to UUs. Some of us have read his last book, Where Do We Go from Here, and we recommend it, but we’re not asking anyone to read a whole book for this discussion. If you’re curious, you might be able to find a copy to look at in the church bookstore.
For BLM, you can read the “About” page of the Black Lives Matter website and maybe their History page as well. And here is the UUA’s official statement in support of Black Lives Matter (2015).
We hope you can join us!
The 4th Principle Dialogue Group promotes the “free & responsible search for truth & meaning,” pursuing the congregational goal of Connected Community. We get to know each other and connect to each other through meaningful, open-hearted dialogue. Drop-ins welcome. Homework not required. See more in UU Connect.
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