Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Communities Rising is is a Seattle-based, grassroots group to meet this moment after a four-year pause in local organizing. UUC's Social Justice Steering Committee is hosting their first re-gathering meeting for neighborhood cohorts. Here is their invitation:
We come together to energize and connect with each other to see what is ours to do. When we build community and organize, we can share resources, find personal direction, draw on diverse skill sets, support and inspire each other, and discover ways to become more resilient with the challenges facing us.
Please share this invitation with friends and neighbors. Space may be limited, so please register ahead of time. We will break up into neighborhoods at our first meeting, so when you register, please select one of the named neighborhoods.
For more info or questions, email or see their website,
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