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Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Claudia Keene and Jim Sanderson will continue the story of events leading up to the Constitution's ratification in 1788. Last time we learned about provisions in different colonies' constitutions that foreshadowed what was and was not included in the eventual U.S. Constitution. Our October 2 session will focus on the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, which argued for and against the draft Constitution in the years before ratification, and are widely cited today to explain different provisions.
Note that we will take a break from the Constitution on October 16 when Sarajane Siegfriedt will lead a walk-through of the November ballot.
All are welcome to join the Wednesday Forum. If you are not already on the Forum list and would like to be, to receive the Zoom link and regular notices, please contact the UUC office at or (206) 525-8400.
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