Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
On Sunday, October 13, the Second Sunday Plate Collection will benefit Teen Feed. UUC has partnered with Teen Feed for nearly twenty years and this plate collection supports our congregation's long-time engagement to prepare and serve meals. UUC’s Meal Team includes an intergenerational crew of 25, preparing and serving 18 meals per year. The plate collection will go to cover the groceries and supplies for the meals prepared and served by our UUC Meal Team this year.
Last Sunday, twenty UUC volunteers, including seven of our youth, were busy in the kitchen preparing meals, or baking vegan options at home, and then serving teens on-site and assembling to-go boxes for a nearby youth shelter. UUC's Meal Team prepared pesto tortellini, roasted veggies and garlic bread, followed by fresh plums, Toll House cookies and ice cream. All of the Teen Feed meal teams create and serve nutritious meals 365 nights a year.
The Teen Feed meals create an opportunity for advocates to build trust and help teens move toward their goals—to earn a high school diploma or GED, enroll in college, land a job or locate housing. Teen Feed’s goal is to enable teens to build a plan to achieve stability, moving away from long-term homelessness. Through Teen Feed, we create a Beloved Community with others from UUC and with the teens we meet each month.
If you’d like to learn more about Teen Feed, or find out how to join our UUC Meal Team, contact Pam or stop by the Learning Station in Nathan Johnson Hall this Sunday, October 13.
To contribute to the October Second Sunday Plate now,
click here and then choose “Offering Plate” and note “October Plate for Teen Feed” on the memo line. Or, if you'll be at this Sunday's service, you can make a contribution by adding a check or cash to the plate—or, you can choose to give online on Sunday too.
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