Letter from Rev. Beth

Hello Members and Friends of UUC,

When a big transition like the retirement of a Senior Minister occurs in a church, it is normal to wonder and worry about what other changes might be ahead. This past Sunday at the Town Hall meeting, I had the opportunity to touch on where I fit in this whole transition. If you were unable to be there, here is what I shared. 

I chose to come to UUC almost 8 years ago because I felt deeply called to the ministry of justice and care. I also recognized that serving with a seasoned minister like Jon was a unique opportunity. Knowing that Jon was likely preparing his legacy chapters of ministry, I imagined being here through his retirement. 

From my first years here, it was clear to me that I was not called to fill the role of senior minister of UUC when that retirement date came. As I have grown into my ministry among you and discovered where I come most alive in ministry, that knowing has further crystallized. And though who will be the next senior minister is a yet unanswerable question, I believe in the unfolding future of this community. I have such faith in you. 

My ministry with you has been through years of enormous transition and transformation. Together, we have navigated a momentous building campaign and project, including worshiping for 17 months in a gymnasium. We leaned in during the stressful aftermath of the 2016 election, doing the hard, soulful and redemptive work of anti-racism, and lived through a global pandemic that upended everything. At so many points over the past 8 years, we have had to learn to walk in the dark and make some peace with the unknown. Through all these transitions and tribulations, I have witnessed this community grow not only in resilience, but in your capacity for joy and generosity. To the point in which I would say that now, we are thriving. 

My ministry has been one of leading in liminal times. My promise to you, as we enter into the next season of change (and isn’t life always changing at some level), is that I will be with you as we begin to discern and live into what greatness awaits. 

Now, no one is forever. As this community discerns how we are called to be, I too am discerning what is emerging in my own call. There are questions that opened in my soul during my sabbatical two years ago that I continue to return to and listen for the stirrings of spirit. However for now, this is where I am called to be. With you, in the sacred dance of release, renewal, and rebirth. We got this.

Posted/updated on:

February 1, 2024
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