Letter from Patricia and Jon

From Patricia Graesser, President, UUC Board of Trustees and Rev. Jon Luopa, UUC Senior Minister

Dear Members and Friends:

We have finished the visible six-week appeal for our annual giving campaign and are now entering the quieter phase of following up with past supporters from whom we have not yet heard. Our dedicated Stewardship Team will be busy in the next few weeks contacting those members and friends. If you have not pledged yet, please be expecting their call...

Nevertheless, we must announce that we are looking at a significant shortfall in revenue for the coming church year...

If we are unable to close this gap by the Annual Meeting on June 9, this is what will happen:...

Download complete letter

[This letter was sent out via email on April 30 to all UUC members and friends on our FY25 Campaign email list.]

Posted/updated on:

May 4, 2024
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