In the Larger Community: Support Hurricane Helene Relief

From the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA):

The scale of destruction in the wake of Hurricane Helene has been utterly devastating to many communities in the southeastern United States. Some Unitarian Universalist congregations have been seriously impacted and others are still trying to assess the damage. You can help support Unitarian Universalists and their communities as they recover from this storm by giving generously to the UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund.

Disaster Relief Fund donations become grants to Unitarian Universalists, their congregations, and their communities. All gifts granted in the course of immediate crisis response will be extended directly to impacted communities.

Our hearts are with everyone struggling to get through these days and begin recovery efforts, especially our siblings in LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities, who have consistently been the least supported by local institutions. We know that some UU communities experiencing lesser impacts have already been organizing support for more directly-impacted folks. Thank you for being a beacon of hope for so many.

Posted/updated on:

October 7, 2024
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