Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Heartfelt gratitude from Teen Feed, and the unsheltered youth in our community, for all you shared during this year's Warm Clothes Holiday Giving! In total, UUC families shared over $1000 in cash, along with 80 pairs of socks, 20 winter hats, 14 pairs of gloves, 18 hoodies, 40 jackets, 90 pairs of toe warmers and so much more. Teen Feed will pass on these gifts to teens in our community, totaling nearly $5000 in value. One family lovingly created small care kits for Teen Feed, including messages of loving kindness! And, this year, UUC's High School Youth Group added to our Holiday Giving fun—they randomly offered small gratitude gifts for congregants dropping off donations. Maybe you were lucky enough to receive a beaded bracelet made by one of our UUC teens!
Teen Feed expressed deep appreciation for UUC continuing to share warm clothes and financial resources during the holidays, along with time and hot meals year round. UUC has partnered with Teen Feed for over 20 years, and the UUC Meal Team prepares meals 18 times each year. Nearly all the volunteers will be involved in preparing and serving one of two meals UUC will host during the first week of January.
Sadly, there are over 1800 homeless teens and young adults in King County. And, it is estimated that about 13% of those living unsheltered in our community are teens and young adults. Your generosity offering warm clothes this winter is so important for these teens.
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