Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
There are still spots available to represent UUC at this year’s Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly (GA). This year our congregation is allowed up to ten delegates who participate as voting representatives in the business of the Association, including the the final vote on a change to the UUA bylaws section (Article II) that describes the purposes of the Association.
There are two ways to participate: by attending all aspects of GA virtually (fees required), or attending only the business portion of GA remotely (voluntary donation). Given that the GA is virtual this year, and the fact that the proposed changes to Article 2 of the UUA Bylaws are on the agenda, the UUC Board believes there may be greater interest in participating as a delegate. We have established a process for delegate selection to inform our delegate selection.
Any UUC member in good standing can be a delegate, as long as they are committed to attending all of the business meetings. The Board has prepared a brief questionnaire to help in delegate selection in case there are more individuals interested in attending than our allotted nine spots allow. The Board will select delegates who represent all facets of the diversity of UUC. If a selected delegate is unable to attend, we ask that they let us know so an alternate can fill their spot.
We would like to have delegates identified and registered with the UUA by mid-May. Click on by no later than April 30 to submit your interest form to be considered as a delegate.
See the UUA website for additional information on General Assembly 2024 and Registration, Delegate Information, Schedule Overview (this highlights the General Sessions which Delegates are expected to attend), and Program Offerings.
If you have questions about General Assembly and the role of Delegates, contact
Janine Larsen, UUC Director of Ministries, or
Patricia Graesser, President, UUC Board of Trustees.
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