Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
UUC’s delegates to the June 2024 General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association will report back to the congregation about their experiences. Join us between services on November 17, downstairs in the Knatvold room.
Why should you attend?
Our congregation has not historically been very connected to our denomination’s Unitarian Universalist Association or its annual General Assembly (GA). A few of our members attend GA faithfully and find it inspiring, renewing, an opportunity to connect with like-minded UUs. Others see the UUA as an entity remote and disconnected from our local church home. GA is a mix of featured speakers, inspiring music, opportunities to learn how other UUs do church (both worship and beyond), and business sessions.
Each year UUC is entitled to send a certain number of delegates to vote at the GA business meetings. Typically, we send fewer than the maximum number we are allowed, due to lack of interest, and the June 2024 GA was no exception. This, despite the fact that a major item on the agenda was a final vote on Article II revisions. Those revisions replaced the Principles and the Sources that date back to 1961 plus addition of the Seventh Principle in 1984. The new framework focuses on values and covenants for living into those values. In addition to Article II, the business session considered several Actions of Immediate Witness on social justice concerns that elicited conflicting responses.
The UUC delegates who attended included both longer term members and those relatively newer to UUC. They brought a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences with GA attendance. For some, the adoption of the Article II revisions felt like a painful loss. For others, it signaled new possibilities. Come to our "report back" session to hear our thoughts.
2024 UUC GA lay delegates
Becca Hutcheson
Mike Kasprzak
Debbie Maranville
Catherine Ruha
Margaret Sutro
Meta Thayer
Jonathan Tweet
Michelle Vaughan
Betty Williams
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