Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Each year, UUC is able to send voting delegates to the General Assembly (GA) of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), to represent our congregation in discussion and decisions on various business matters of the Association. GA will meet online-only in 2024, from June 20-23.
To assist the UUC Board of Trustees in appointing our 2024 delegates, those who are willing to attend GA 2024 and serve as a voting delegate are invited to complete a UUC Delegate Application by April 30 to provide information on your availability and interest.
To serve as a UUC Delegate to GA, you must be a Member in Good Standing with the church. This is defined in the UUC Bylaws as one who has signed the Membership Book, has made a pledge for the current fiscal year, and has paid in full their pledge from the previous fiscal year. Contact Byron Krystad, Director of Operations, if you are unsure of your eligibility.
All GA Delegates must be registered to participate in GA voting. If you are attending business meetings only, there is no charge to register. If you would like to attend the various other programs and activities of GA, registration fees do apply. UUC may have limited funds to help support registration fees for our delegates who wish to engage more broadly at GA. Please indicate in your UUC Delegate Application if you would like to apply for financial assistance to participate in GA 2024 beyond just the general business sessions.
See the UUA website for additional information on General Assembly 2024 and Registration, Delegate Information, Schedule Overview (this highlights the General Sessions which Delegates are expected to attend), and Program Offerings.
If you have questions about General Assembly and the role of Delegates, contact Janine Larsen, UUC Director of Ministries, or Patricia Graesser, President, UUC Board of Trustees.
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