Engagement Opportunity Fair Planning

Sunday, August 25, 10:30 a.m. in the office conference room

There will be a meeting this Sunday after the church service in the church office conference room for those interested in assisting with the planning and/or execution of the September 29 Engagement Opportunity Fair.


Doug and Patricia Graesser are co-leading that effort and are excited to bring as many groups together as possible in one day to increase groups’ visibility and encourage engagement with and among groups.


We’re starting to get organized and seeking a small team of folks interested in helping to plan and execute the event.

If you or somebody you know would like to help us plan or carry out the event, please join us Sunday if you can or let us know if you want to help but can’t attend Sunday.


We welcome your ideas and interest.


~ Doug and Patricia Graesser


Posted/updated on:

August 21, 2024
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