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Since 2022, UUs across the nation have been engaged in dialogue about proposed changes to Article II of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) bylaws stating the UUA’s purpose, which could also be seen as describing Unitarian Universalist identity and practice. UUC’s 4th Principle Dialogue Group invites you to join the discussion here at home.
The UUA reviews Article II for possible changes every 15 years. The last proposed revision was voted down in 2009, so Article II hasn’t changed in decades. In June at the UUA’s national gathering, the General Assembly (GA), delegates from UUC will join those representing other UUA member congregations to vote on the new Article II wording, including four new amendments. UUs have differing opinions on this issue, and having differing opinions is a hallmark of our faith.
In the fall of 2022, the proposed new wording for Article II underwent substantial changes in response to feedback. In addition, several amendments were added at General Assembly in June of 2023. Now four more amendments have met the requirements to be considered by delegates this June.
One amendment would add reason as a core value, joining love, equity, generosity, interdependence, justice, pluralism, and transformation. Currently, reason appears in one of our six sources, and the sources do not appear in the proposed new Article II. Some UUs support this amendment because they consider reason to be definitive to our distinctive UU identity. Other UUs are satisfied that reason is mentioned and implied elsewhere in the proposed text and don’t see a need to elevate reason to the status of a core value. You can see some of the dialogue around this amendment on its page on the UUA’s online forum.
Another amendment would add peace as a core value. Currently, the goal of world peace appears among our seven principles, and the principles do not appear in the proposed new Article II. Some UUs consider the goal of world peace to be an important element of our tradition. Other UUs are concerned that a desire for peace could sometimes be contrary to the important work of promoting anti-oppression. At General Assembly last year, delegates voted down a different amendment to add in a reference to peace. Here is the official page devoted to discussing this amendment.
Another amendment proposes to add wording about listening to, understanding, respecting, and responding to one another. This wording would be part of the description of the core value of equity. UUs in favor of this amendment say that it is necessary for justice work and for transformation. UUs opposed to it worry that it could be misused to give cover to hate speech, which should not be respected. Here is the UUA’s forum page for this amendment.
The final amendment would change wording in the equity section from people having “worthiness” to people being “worthy.” The current Article II refers to “inherent worth and dignity,” and the Article II Commission changed “worth” to “worthiness” so as not to call up the history of monetary “worth” being assigned to human beings under slavery. Proponents of this amendment consider “worthiness” to be clunky and offer the alternative term “worthy” as a way to avoid the word “worth.” Other UUs consider the proposed wording to be fine just as it is. Here is the UUA’s forum page for this amendment.
In addition to voting on the individual amendments, delegates will vote on Article II as a whole. Some UUs think that the proposed wording should be voted down like the proposed changes in 2009. They don’t want to see our principles and sources written out of the bylaws, and the don’t consider the new wording to be an improvement. Other UUs want to see the proposed changes passed. They see the new text as a necessary and overdue improvement to the existing Article II, one that will prepare our faith for the future and help us attract and retain a new generation of young people. Judging by the support that Article II received last year, the proposed new wording is likely to pass. Congregants here at UUC have differing opinions on this important issue, and that’s as it should be.
In June, delegates from UUC are going to vote on these four amendments and on the new Article II overall, so now would be a great time for you to engage in some good-natured dialogue about these proposals. You can talk to the church’s delegates, who are to be announced after the Board’s meeting on May 16; and you can also talk to friends, members of the 4th Principle Dialogue Group, and church leaders. You can also join the national dialogue on the UUA forums dedicated to these topics. Happy dialoguing!
Here is a link to the wording of the current Article II. And here is a link to the wording of the proposed new Article II.
~Alex Colledge, Michael Linenberger & Jonathan Tweet for the 4th Principle Dialogue Group
The 4th Principle Dialogue Group promotes the “free & responsible search for truth & meaning,” pursuing the congregational goal of Connected Community. We get to know each other and connect to each other through meaningful, open-hearted dialogue. Drop-ins welcome. Homework not required. See more on UU Connect.
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