Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Join members of the Board of Trustees February 25 after either service in the Emerson Room as they share what they heard on the first leg of their "listening tour" of UUC groups.
The Board has been holding "Conversations with the Board" after services monthly or every other month for a few years. These sessions have helped us keep in touch with members of the church community to understand priorities, preferences and concerns at UUC.
However, we found that we see many familiar faces at these sessions and knew that we were missing hearing from a majority of the UUC community.
As part of our work to broaden our understanding, Board members embarked on a "listening tour." To start, Board members met in pairs with ten UUC groups of various sizes and compositions from October through January. We attended gatherings to collect insights and gain a deeper understanding of your aspirations for this church year and beyond.
The board has not heard from all UUC groups, and more listening sessions are planned.
Our intent on February 25 is to share some recurring ideas we’ve heard and to ask you to think about how each of us as members of this community might help to address gaps, celebrate those who help us thrive and live our vision more fully.
~ UUC Board of Trustees
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