Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Please use this form to sign up to participate in this winter’s Child Dedication Ceremony, no later than Thursday, December 12.
The arrival of a child into a family, whether through birth or adoption, is one of the greatest events of life. In this ceremony, we celebrate children new to their families, as well as the children of families new to our congregation. Children are anointed with water and given a rose, symbols of life and the potential unfolding of a beautiful life. In this meaningful Unitarian Universalist tradition, parents and the congregation speak a commitment to help these children "become fearless, impartial, and reverent seekers after truth, beauty, and goodness."
UUC has a tradition of regularly offering a Child Dedication Ceremony twice a year: during the annual Family Holiday Service in December and during the Flower Communion Service in June. This upcoming Child Dedication Ceremony will be performed during the Family Holiday Service on Sunday, December 15. Please use this form (same as above link) to indicate your interest in having your child(ren) dedicated in this upcoming service. In this registration form, you will be asked for some details about your family, as well as your preference for which service you'd like to attend for the dedication (9:30 or 11:15 a.m.)
Some families have extended family, friends, or other important people in their life who they’d like to have present for the ceremony. We make every effort to include those people. However, the number of people we’re able to have on the chancel is determined by the physical space. If there more than 3 or 4 families participating in the ceremony, we will ask those important people to stay in their seats, rather than joining you and your child(ren) on the chancel.
For more information about Child Dedication Ceremonies, please contact Director of Family Ministry, Aria Curtis.
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