Wise Women Connecting Potluck

Monday, August 28, 5–7 p.m. in Knatvold

Hello All You Wise Women,

Are you feeling the changes that seem to be in the air? I am remembering that we have good weather at least through October, although it is different than July and early August. Flowers are still in wild bloom, being outside is a delight, sunsets beautiful and we live in a city that has beauty that is the envy of much of the rest of the country.

The three potlucks held so far this summer have been heart-warmingly successful.  We share tasty foods (brought by us!), eat at small tables and discuss anything that happens to be on our minds at the time. UUC Wise Women have each other to share lifelong experiences in community.

The August potluck will be Monday, August 28, 5–7 p.m. in the Knatvold room. COME JOIN IN! Bring some food to share and your belief that you will find some very nice Wise Women to talk with; after all we are all UUs.

Hope to see you there!

Carol, Sally, Cindy, Jan, Emmy, Sylvia, Sharon and Lynn

UUC's Wise Women Connecting group offers support and friendship to those who identify as women of retirement age, considering retirement, and/or interested in issues of aging. Wise Women meet to benefit from one another by sharing life experiences and current interests, along with connecting about the joys and challenges of aging together.

Posted/updated on:

August 23, 2023
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