Sunday, June 25

8:00–9:30 a.m., ONLINE ONLY

UUA General Assembly Sunday Worship Service

On Sunday, June 25, the church will be closed. Instead, we invite you to join thousands of other UUs from around North America in viewing the Unitarian Universalist Association’s General Assembly Sunday Worship, live online (and recorded for later viewing) at (Please note this is not UUC’s usual livestream link.)

Click here if you’d like to watch with ASL.


The General Assembly is the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Annual Meeting. This year it is being held in Pittsburgh, PA, and online.

The GA Sunday Service is the largest annual gathering of UUs joining in worship. This powerful, communal worship experience will stream on Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 11:00 am ET / 10:00 am CT / 9:00 am MT / 8:00 am Pacific Time. The service will run approximately 90 minutes. You may also watch the GA Sunday Service later at the same link
The Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, Senior Minister of the First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI, will lead the 2023 Sunday Service at GA. His sermon title and the theme of this worship service is "Ever Willing: Becoming the People Our World Needs." He explains,

The pandemic has wrought change and created uncertainty for institutions, like our Unitarian Universalist congregations, and our wider world. Who and what are we becoming, individually and collectively? Our GA Sunday service explores these themes as we gather in community to celebrate the best of who we UUs are.

Posted/updated on:

June 23, 2023
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