Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
UUC members and friends are invited to an experiential course in UU Spiritual Practice this summer. Participants will attend opening and closing retreats (4 hours each) and three integration sessions (3 hours each) on five Saturdays at UUC in July and August. Click here for more information and to register. There is no charge for this course.
The Rev. Bruce Davis, a retired UU minister with a long relationship with UUC, will lead the course. Rev. Davis will be our pulpit guest on Sunday, July 9. The course begins the following Saturday, July 15, from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. The integration sessions will run from 9 a.m.–12 noon on July 22 and 29, and on August 12. The final retreat and synthesis will be Saturday, August 19, from 9 a.m.–1 p.m. (Note that the church will be closed the week of July 31-August 6, so there is no session on Saturday, August 5.)
Introspective and shared practices to be engaged include reflective reading and response using poetry and text; centering in sitting and walking meditation; Lectio Divina and prompted introspection; metaphor prayer in a UU context; guided and self-guided body sensing; mindful activity and self-observation; deep listening and appreciative inquiry; spirituality of every day mindfulness.
Each of the program’s modules is offered in a way to enhance the whole of your spiritual practice, and each practice influences others. Attending the entire program offers the best promise of establishing your own unique practice at home. Journaling practices will be central to the experience.
Throughout the course, participants will consider how to build and sustain an emerging spiritual practice and attending to its supportive container, inviting spiritual direction and discernment from within, noticing and releasing stress, cultivating focus and presence, how to support others in shared spiritual practice, and justice as a spiritual practice.
Advance registration is required and attending all five sessions is encouraged.
Click here for more information and to register.
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