Science Book Group

Tuesday, October 10, 7 p.m. in Knatvold and via Zoom

We will wrap up our discussion of An Immense World by Ed Yong on October 10. 

You are welcome to attend even if you have not read the book, but we do ask that you watch/listen to a video or read a bit about it so that you are somewhat familiar. This is an excellent video to watch or listen to: An Immense World: In Conversation with Ed Yong about All that Lies Beyond our Human Sensory Bubble. There are many other videos and interviews as well.

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Zoom links for UUC gatherings are password-protected for security, and are not posted in public locations. See this post in UUC Connect or email the church office for assistance in accessing Zoom meetings at UUC.

Posted/updated on:

October 10, 2023
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