Register Now: Zen Retreat at UUC

June 21–25 (Wednesday–Sunday) at UUC

UUC will host a multi-day Zen meditation “commuter” retreat at the end of June. Registration is open now for full-time or part-time attendance.


This event, called a sesshin in the Zen tradition, is hosted by UUC’s Bright Cloud Zen practice groups and the Empty Moon Zen Sanghas founded by the Rev. James Ford, a UU Minister and Zen priest. This daytime retreat is open to all, though experience with silent, self-guided meditation is helpful. You do not have to be a Zen Buddhist or a Unitarian Universalist to attend.

Each day will offer periods of silent sitting, walking meditation, chanting and ritual, dharma talks, and one-on-one meetings with teacher(s). As weather allows, we will include regular periods of outdoor sitting and walking. You’ll go home to your own bed each night.

Participants have the option to attend in-person or on-line via Zoom. Please register in advance to attend full-time or part-time, whether online or onsite. Drop-ins are welcome on a space available basis. Our teachers during this retreat will include Rev. James Myoun Ford, Roshi, and Rev. Janine Seitetsu Larsen, Osho.

On Saturday evening, June 24, guests are invited to witness a Precepts ceremony. 15 individuals (most are members of UUC) are preparing to formally receive the Five Precepts of ethical living, or Jukai (16 Bodhisattva Precepts). They will have completed intensive study, discernment, and sewing a garment worn during Zen practice to remind them of their vows. An informal reception will follow.

There is a fee requested to help defray costs of this retreat, includes meals and travel expenses for teachers. Fee waivers are available to support inclusion. Click here for more information and to register for this event.

Posted/updated on:

June 13, 2023
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