Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
In addition to meeting as usual in person and via Zoom, as summer starts, we'll also have an in-person get-together in the UUC Dix Room. Come if you can and bring snacks if you wish. We'll devote some time to future planning. There was no interest at our last session in meeting over the summer. Zoom in or show up to share your preferences about summer and topics for next fall.
The last session in Great Decisions will be Global Famine, led by Jeanette Merki. As a fitting wrap-up to the 2023 series, this crisis intersects with several other policy issues, including climate change, migration, and the war in Ukraine.
All are welcome to join. Zoom Links for UUC gatherings are password-protected for security, and are not posted in public locations. See
this post in UUC Connect or
email the church office for assistance in accessing Zoom meetings at UUC.
If you are not already on the Forum list and would like to be, to receive the Zoom link and regular notices, please contact the UUC office at or (206) 525-8400.
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