Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Seven UUC members had the opportunity to participate in the Unitarian Universalist Association’s annual General Assembly (GA), held June 21–25 in Pittsburgh and online. They will share their GA experiences and answer your questions after the second service, downstairs in the Knatvold room.
You may have heard about Article II revisions to the UUA bylaws. Article II of the bylaws includes the UU Principles and the Sources, and UUA’s purpose as an organization. The UUA bylaws mandate a regular review process of Article II every 15 years. This year, the GA delegates had the opportunity to submit amendments, to vote on amendments, and then to cast a preliminary vote on the whole Article II proposal with the amendments that were added by delegate votes. The proposal received higher than 50 percent approval at GA, so it will be up for a final vote at GA 2024. You can find the Article II proposal package that was approved with amendments here:
An article summarizing the General Assembly and election results can be found here:
A detailed summary of business at the GA can be found here:
Join the available delegates after Sunday's second worship service to learn more about Article II, other GA business and other sessions. You are welcome to bring your coffee and cookies.
Childcare may be available if reserved by September 7 with Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministry.
Questions? Please contact Patricia Graesser, UUC Board President.
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