Building Beloved Community: Gratitude From and To Tent City 3

[Above photo by Kevin Clark, Seattle Times photographer.]

It has only been a week and a half since our Tent City 3 (TC3) neighbors moved to their new host site—St. Mark's Cathedral on Capitol Hill. On Saturday, June 17, about fifteen people from UUC helped the TC3 community load up pallets, tents and all the rest of the stuff for the move. At least a dozen more UUCers prepared breakfast and assembled sack lunches for a midday break. It was a day filled with gracious smiles, laughter, sweat and some sadness. Some from UUC have already stopped over to check in on how TC3 is settling in at St. Mark's. 

Gratitude From

A few days after the move, UUC received the attached note of appreciation from the TC3 community (see below). As our TC3 neighbors so aptly noted, it is through compassion for others that we create community.

Fellowship & Shared Community

Walter Hatch, a member of UUC's TC3 Team, wrote an op-ed piece published in the Seattle Times about his experience engaging with the Tent City 3 community. Walter's experience of becoming better acquainted with many in the camp is not unlike the rest of the TC3 Team, and others at UUC who stepped in closer—listening to individuals' stories, learning more about how some became unhoused, exploring common interests, laughing and witnessing the sense of community that TC3 fosters.

Share Your Feedback

Thank you to those in the congregation who have already offered feedback about UUC's experience hosting TC3. We’d love to hear from more of you. Please complete this short survey, if you haven't yet.

Staying Connected

We encourage you to find ways you might continue your engagement with our unhoused neighbors in Seattle. Please see previous posts to learn more about helping with Sunday dinners at St. Mark's or with Teen Feed or about Partnering with Facing Homelessness.

And, you can join long-time efforts with others at UUC:

From UUC's TC3 Team


Posted/updated on:

June 27, 2023
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