Continuing to Explore Pluralism

Thank you to everyone who joined us in exploring pluralism in this past Sunday's All Ages Worship. And, as special thank you to all our speakers, who shared about the religious traditions and practices that are important to them: Lora Poepping, Sunanda Apte-Kakade, Michael Linenberger, Dinah Hartley, and Rev. Janine Keido Seitsetsu Larsen. 


We started our service by answering two questions and getting a snapshot of the diversity of tradition, theology, and practice within our congregation using a polling tool called Mentimeter. If you weren't able to make the link work at the time or weren't present at the service, but would like to contribute to this poll, you can do so by following this link: This link will remain live through Sunday, December 3. The images below show the answers collected during the 9:30 a.m. service on November 19.

Together, we created a beautiful and sparkly mosaic from small mirrors, representing the shards of truth each of us hold - something we heard about in our story on Sunday. You can see the mosaic in its current, unfinished state below. I encourage you to keep an eye on the sitting area outside our Children's Suite, where the mosaic will live once it's all grouted and finished. 

In joy and faith, 

Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministry

Posted/updated on:

November 24, 2023
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