Christmas Eve Offering to Benefit Lake City Partners

Christmas is a special time, a time for hope and love. What could be more hopeful and loving than helping someone living homeless get off the streets? The offering received during our Christmas Eve services (7 and 9 p.m.) will go to support Lake City Partners Ending Homelessness (LCP).

Donations may also be made in advance online at UUC Connect, or via cash, check or by texting UUCHURCH and a donation amount to 73256. Be sure to note that the donation is for LCP.

Lake City Partners’s mission is to end homelessness by providing shelter, respite care, work opportunities and other services, so that people living homeless have increased opportunities for stabilization, recovery, and permanent housing. The funds donated this month will go into LCP’s general fund for maximum flexibility. LCP currently operates a number of programs to support people living without shelter in North Seattle and North King County (Shoreline, Kenmore, and Bothell): 

  • God’s L’il Acre Day Center offers laundry facilities, showers, a community kitchen, internet and phone, a caseworker, nursing care, and more. It is a safe and secure place to just “be” indoors for a while. During the third quarter of this year, staff helped 32 clients get off the streets into emergency shelter. 
  • Outreach workers engage with people on the streets, develop ongoing relationships, and make referrals to shelter, housing, and other essential services. 
  • The Oaks Shelter serves 60 single adults and couples in private rooms with meals. Pets are permitted. Caseworkers help each person develop a plan to meet their unique needs and support them along the path to permanent housing. During November alone, 17 people from The Oaks were placed into permanent supportive housing. A dozen more expect to move into a new building opening this month in North Seattle. 

All Lake City Partners staff strive to make sure that folks end up in an apartment that really suits them and meets their specific needs. Move- in funds are available to cover expenses such as first and last month’s rent, security deposits, truck rental, etc.

University Unitarian Church members have been providing support to LCP for several years. At present, UUC volunteers prepare and deliver sack lunches twice per month—once for God’s L’il Acre Day Center clients and once for residents of The Oaks.  For more information about LCP and volunteer opportunities, contact Judy Oerkvitz, Sallie Dacey or Cynthia Salzman, or stop by our Learning Station in Nathan Johnson Hall after each service on Sunday, December 17.

Thank you for your generosity.

Posted/updated on:

December 22, 2023
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