Address: 6556 35th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
Service: Sundays at 9:30am and 11:15am in-person or online
Phone: 206-525-8400
Every year at this time, we see UUC Board members coming in, continuing, and departing. As we move through this annual flow it is important to mark these transitions with care and appreciation. This month, this year...
We welcome the three newly elected Board members as they start their service.
The four continuing Board continuing members will serve as this coming year's officers.
Three Board members are bringing a close to their Board service.
The Board serves on behalf of you, our UUC community, to advance and live into our mission and vision. To carry out their role most fully, the Board counts on your willingness to engage openly, to be patient, and to trust. As a Board member, you have given me and my colleagues such support for which I am ever grateful. I hope this will continue and extend to this coming year's Board.
Deep thanks to all involved in Board service to UUC—yesterday, today and tomorrow,
Kathleen Cromp
Past President, Board of Trustees
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